Publication: May 2008 ISBN-13: 978-1-903206-16-4 Price £38 [Purchase Online] What is it that has made Ned
Kelly into Australias immortal outlaw? Who is the man behind the enigma of the
archaic and yet strangely modern suit of armour, and why does he continue to have such an
impact as a rebel figure in popular culture both inside and outside Australia? Using the evidence of contemporary sources, as well as many
subsequent extracts from letters, books, plays, films and paintings about Ned Kelly, Lyn
Innes explores the themes surrounding the personality of a man whose racial and historical
inheritance was violently linked to an unchanging and static Australian landscape. Each
historical section is introduced with an essay by Professor Innes which explains the
political and cultural context of the time and illustrates how attitudes towards this
legendary figure have developed throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.